Beijing 2008- Boxer Hikal eliminated, Yasser wins

السبت، 09 أغسطس 2008 - 16:00

كتب : Omar AbdelAziz

Mohamed Hikal was handed a shock elimination from the round of 32 in the Men's Middleweight Boxing competition in Beijing.

The Athens 2004 bronze medalist was soundly beaten by Great Britain's James Degale 13-4, despite being 3-2 ahead in the first round.

Degale won three consecutive rounds 3-0, 4-1 and 4-0 to win the tie and book a place in the last 16.

Hikal was one of few Egyptian athletes expected to make impact in Beijing after his achievement in Athens for years ago.

Yasser Wins

Ramadan Yasser made up for his compatriot's loss as he marginally beat Belarus' Ramazan Magamedau in the Light Heavyweight round of 32.

The game was tied at 10-10, but the judges' decision came in favor of Egypt's Yasser who claimed the victory.
