Treviso land Ahli volleyball star for 200,000 Euros

Ahli have announced that volleyball star Abdullah Abdul-Salam has signed a four-year deal with Italian powerhouse Sisley Treviso for a record-breaking 200,000 Euros.

كتب : Omar Shoeb

الجمعة، 07 يوليه 2006 - 21:06
عبد السلام في المؤتمر الصحفي بعد أنتقاله لصفوف تريفيزو
Follow-up – Osama Khairy: Ahli have announced that volleyball star Abdullah Abdul-Salam has signed a four-year deal with Italian powerhouse Sisley Treviso for a record-breaking 200,000 Euros.

Egyptian Volleyball Federation (FEVB) president and International Volleyball Federation (FIVB) vice president Amr Elwani attended the signing ceremony alongside Ahli marketing director Adli Al-Qayie, general manager Muharam Al-Ragheb and Treviso general manager Dare Bruno.

"Although Abdul-Salam is still very young, he has gained a lot of experience that will help Treviso, who are one of the best volleyball clubs in the world," Bruno said.

"Abdul-Salam is the first African and Arab player to join Treviso, but he won't have any linguistic problems as he totally understands the language of volleyball, in addition to that we have a number of other foreign players in the team," he added.

On the other hand, Abdul-Salam insisted that he entered the volleyball scene by chance and that his main motive was that he wanted to represent Ahli in any game.

"I went for a football audition at Ahli but wasn't accepted, then I met volleyball coach Ahmed Ragab by chance and he convinced me to join the volleyball team," Abdul-Salam said.

"I didn’t hesitate for a second about playing with the volleyball team as I just wanted to represent Ahli in any game," he added.