'Ageing Ahli' proved doubters wrong - Barakat

Midfielder Mohamed Barakat said that by beating Ismaili to win the Egyptian Premier League title, Ahli have maintained their status as the country's best club.

كتب : Amro Hassan

الأحد، 24 مايو 2009 - 23:27
Midfielder Mohamed Barakat said that by beating Ismaili to win the Egyptian Premier League title, Ahli have maintained their status as the country's best club.

The Red Devils secured the title after beating Ismaili 1-0 in the league decider played on Sunday in Alexandria.

"Some media reports referred to us as an ageing team, and now I want to congratulate my ageing team for winning a fifth consecutive title," Barakat jokingly said.

"It's the first time we feel such joy for winning a league. This season was more difficult than any of the previous ones I won with Ahli."

From his side Ahmed Hassan said that winning the league is the most important trophy he ever achieved.

"The league is the first local competition I win in Egypt," the veteran midfielder said after the game.

"I've always wished to win the Egyptian League, and I'm delighted I managed to do that with Ahli."

Hassan, who was crowned as African champion three times with Egypt, had a glorious career in Turkey and Belgium before joining Ahli last summer.