Tucak points finger at referee

Rwanda coach Branko Tucak said that Nigerian referee Emmanuel Imiere is largely responsible for his team's 3-0 defeat to Egypt on Sunday.

كتب : Amro Hassan

الإثنين، 06 يوليه 2009 - 02:58
Rwanda coach Branko Tucak said that Nigerian referee Emmanuel Imiere is largely responsible for his team's 3-0 defeat to Egypt on Sunday.

Tucak's men did well to keep off their hosts until the 66th minute, where Mohamed Abou-Treika broke their defences before Hosni Abd-Rabou doubled the lead with a penalty-kick ten minutes later.

Abou-Treika scored a third for the Pharaohs in injury time.

The Rwandans had to finish the game with ten men after one of their players was sent off late in the second half.

"There was no justice today," the Croatian tactician said after the game.

Tucak, who sarcastically said that Egypt are a "great" team, added that his players did enough to at least earn a point from the clash.

"Our attackers were not lucky in converting the chances they had," he added.

"Despite the defeat, we will never lose our dream of making the World Cup."

With three rounds to go, Rwanda are currently bottom of qualifications Group C with one point from one draw and two defeats at the hands of Egypt and Zambia.